There are several variations of gasification technology, - not talking about the others like plazma technology - and it seems to be difficult to decide which one is the best, because a great number of standpoints can be taken into consideration. Exectly this is why we believe in the basic substancies and sciences: physics and matemathycs.
The laic persons and the not expert decision makers are in difficult situation because the objective facts are generally hidden behind the marketing scenes, and covered with colorful brightning sweet sauce.
This is why we developed an objective method to evaluate based on specific technical and financial parameters of the technologies we have to compare. (Evaluation Table)
Download: Evaluation Table (.xlsx)
This objective method reinforced the decision of the DOE experts that it was told the TCG gasification technology is the Best Available Technology.
The attached filling form is suitable and convenient to make this objective analysis, consequently we offer it for everybody.