Implementation & Operation

When the Feasibility Study is completed, the stage of implementation begins. The Technology provider strives to work with as much local subcontractor and supplier as it is possible in the site preparation works. The special technology elements and subsystems are manufactured or provided by international entities who are able to design, manufacture and install the special equipments and to fit them into the TCG-UC energetic system.

During the phase of implementation and test operation the experts of technology provider and some of its subcontractors are training the local members of dispatcher team who have to be able to run the technology and to take the responsibility of operating the plant on the way, specified by the trainer experts.

If the Owner or Beneficiary of the Plant requests, the technology provider is ready to operate the plant through an operating contract.

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If you need solution to a seemly unsolvable problem regarding the financially viable-, and environmentally safe application of organic waste materials or decreasing the emission of fossil fuels, do not hesitate

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